Monday, 13 October 2008

So I finally managed to create my own blog! It's about as much fun as I thought it would be thus far. Hopefully I will get better as time progresses. The image above is a concept piece I created last year on the Games Art & Design course at the Norwich School of Art and Design (now known as the much more confusing - Norwich University College of the Arts). This year I aim to build on what I achieved last year, and look even further into enhancing my game idea. I particularly want to study narrative, something which I feel most computer games lack. Then eventually I aim to use the research into building atmosphere that I did last year and combine that with this years research into narrative. I plan to create some storyboards and then perhaps shape it into the style of a graphic novel.

Anyway, I tried to keep this short, but failed miserably.
I'll be back soon (probably).


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