Friday 13 March 2009

Okay so I was gone longer than expected. Again.
But I have been slightly busy...

First off, I went to see The Unborn at the cinema. And as the review stated in a previous post I made, the film was rubbish. Lack of story. Not scary. Cliched. The list could go on. But hey, it showed me how not to shoot my own story.

I have also been reading the Watchmen graphic novel. Do not like the artwork at all, but the stroy is very well told and has some interested sequences. Going to wait to see the new film after I have finished the novel.

Lastly I have begun preliminary drawings for a polished scene where Michael is getting angry and is looking for his children - ends up putting a pair of sheers through the thigh of someone who won't speak. Here is the first quick concept I have done;

And here is the beginning of a more polished drawing of angry Michael, for the same image.

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