Thursday 2 April 2009

What have I been up to?

Well, first things first, I saw the Watchmen film. Hmmmmmm. Couldn't decide whether it was good or not. Some aspects I liked. Character building was well done. Props and constumes. But the whole film seemed too be too vibrant looking, it needed to be much grimier. I understand that the novels artwrok did not look particulary grimy, but the story is very dark and disturbing in place. Anyway...

I have also been playing Resident Evil 5. The game is having mixed reviews, but all I can say is, WOW! Lots of complaints about the controls being too slow and too retro. But it wouldn't be Resident Evil anymore if they changed them. I would have liked it to be darker (person preference) but the emphasis on action pays off when it comes to creating tension. Oh, and did I mention that it looks beautiful. Best player models and creature designs I have ever seen.

Now onto the art work. I am working backwards, but I do not think this is a problem. Rather than polishing of the image I had been working on, I wanted to keep the ball rolling by continuing the charcoal drawings. I began with an image I plan to have a couple of shots earlier than the previous image I was working on, where Michael is holding the shears up to the mans throat, but I was unhappy with how it was going (below). I don't think Michael looks mean enough - so will be starting it again.

And below is another drawing of a close-up of Michaels mouth. I wanted him to look very angry - at this point he will be asking the man where his children are hidden (just before unleashing the shears into his thigh).

Anyways - back to work.

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